Saturday, March 12, 2011

A False Sense of Security

Imagine a women
with a sign
"No guns no crimes!"
She thinks this will stop all of the violence
in every one's life!
A false sense of security
making her feel safe
which creates a dangerous place
where the strong stand tall
and the weak underneath.

Now imagine later down the road
when she's walking through an ally
and gets attacked by a stranger
will him not having a gun
really stop him from raping her?
A false sense of security
making her feel safe
which creates a dangerous place
where the strong stand tall
and the weak underneath.

Isn't it ridiculous
isn't it sad
how she thinks more laws
will stop all the bad?
Like a little child snug under their blanket
thinking no one can get them now.
A false sense of security
making her feel safe
which creates a dangerous place
where the strong stand tall
and the weak underneath.

Why would she fight so hard to be her own person
just to look to others for her protection?
Now she is no longer independent
and not equal to everyone else
becuase she is weaker
and can not fight for herself.
A false sense of security
making her feel safe
which creates a dangerous place
where the strong stand tall
and the weak underneath.

If she only had carried a gun
She wouldn't be dead
becuase she didn't have time to run
and she wouldn't have died scared
waiting for the police to say
everything will be okay.
Her false sense of security
made her feel safe
but in the end
it only made her have a horrible fate.
Becuase no guns only
make the strong stand tall
with the weak underneath.

Here are some sites about A False Sense of Security:

Right to Choose

Protection Orders

The 10 Dumbest Things People Say About Using Guns for Self-Defence

Have any other sites relating... leave them in the comments

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